Welcome to First Parish of Westwood
We are a Protestant Christian Church with congregational roots and an affiliation with the United Church of Christ (UCC). Our Church is run by its members.
Our pastor is JT Hills who joined First Parish in August 2021. New to Massachusetts and the UCC/Southern New England Conference, JT has served at churches in California, Indiana, and Michigan.
Worship services are available on Facebook early Sunday mornings starting at 10AM and may be viewed at any time thereafter. Note: Our services are presently in person every Sunday at 10AM. Church School and nursery care are both available. Office hours are Monday through Wednesday, 9 AM to 2 PM.
Here is what is normal during non-Covid-19 times:
Worship is held in our Meeting House every Sunday at 10AM.​ The worship service lasts approximately an hour. Fellowship with coffee, juice and food items follows worship in our large gathering hall.
The main entrance into the Church is now at the side of Church facility. We do ask that anyone late enter street-side into what is the rear narthex of the Church.
Except for the big holidays, attendees generally dress casually.
We have ample parking behind our facilities.
Our Meeting House sanctuary and facilities and bathrooms are fully handicap accessible. We have handicapped parking at the side of the Church and a ramp to get into the Church building.
Hearing assistance is available for those that need it.
Nursery care for infants is generally available every Sunday. It is recommended to contact the church office to confirm the availability of nursery coverage.
Most Sundays, we gather all together initially and then youth can leave us for separate Church School instruction.